Semua pengetahuan yang saya miliki, orang lain pun dapat memilikinya,tapi, hati saya, hanyalah milik saya.~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe~


Classroom Management Strategies

Classroom management is one of the most important aspects for the teaching faculty. Here are some classroom management strategies which will help you to effectively curb the indiscipline in the classroom and create an environment ideal for learning.
Classroom management refers to issues related to supervising a classroom and academic discipline. The behavior of students in a classroom can vary from person to person. Some cases may not requiring any intervention, while others may require strict action on disciplinary grounds. Instances of rudeness towards the faculty by the students are on rise, and in such a situation the onus is on the teachers to make sure that the class is well behaved. Though a difficult task, effective classroom management strategies can make the work relatively easier for the teachers.

Strategies for Classroom Management
First of all the teacher has to understand that the students in the class come from different walks of life. They have different problems of their own, some deal with them while some can't. Stress and conflicts are prominent in the life of students as well. Though they come to school to learn, they have a list of activities in their mind which, according to them, are much more exciting than sitting for a forty-five minute period in the class. It's important that the teacher makes this forty-five minute class exciting, so that the students can learn, and at the same time have fun.

Make the Class Interesting
A forty-five minute period, wherein a teacher just speaks and students only hear, is not at all exciting. It's important that the students themselves participate in the process, thus making the period an interactive session instead of a dull lecture. Your classroom management strategies should also include effective teaching strategies, which would keep the students glued to the topic. As a teacher you can plan a few activities in the classroom, which will make children get up from their seat and interact with teachers as well as fellow students. Don't forget that the students have a lot of pent up energy, which has to be released. Avoid taking the class for full forty-five minutes, you can ensure that the last 10 minutes of the class time are spent in discussions.

Talk to the Students
Talk with the students, not just in the classroom or school, but outside as well. Whenever you come across any student in the cafeteria or in your neighborhood grocery store, greet them. If any student has excelled in a particular sport or event, appreciate him or her. Praise their sincere efforts and tell them how they should go on with it. This will make the students feel that you are close to them and you understand them, the result of which will be obviously seen in the classroom.

Dealing with Disruptive Behavior
Students tend to be naughty, and at times this naughty behavior on their part can disrupt the momentum of the entire class. In such a situation, if you try to yell at them on the top of your voice, you will yourself disturb other students. A wiser thing to do at such a point of time is to just go and stand near that particular students desk. This will automatically send him a signal that you want him to stop whatever he is doing, and pay attention to you. Most often this works in your favor, and if it doesn't, you can either take the student outside the class or talk to him after the class is over. Confronting him in front of the entire class will be a bit humiliating and make him more defiant. While talking to him after the class will make him feel that you understand him and he will blurt out his feelings. If both of these classroom management plans to deal with disruptive behavior fail to yield results, you should promptly send the student to the principle.

Classroom Management Tips: Dos and Don'ts
When planning your classroom management strategies, you should make sure to include the following points in them
  • Never give verbal or physical threats to the students. More importantly, never get involved into a confrontation in front of the class.
  • Avoid using negative symbols, such as 'X', to mark a wrong answer. You can use a '/' (slash) instead.
  • Avoid using red ink to give grades, red color represents negativity and hence is best avoided.
  • The students look at teacher as an inspiration, so you wouldn't want to fumble in front of them. Be well prepared with the lessons that you will take well in advance.
  • Be firm, yet friendly and supportive to the students. Any inclination on either side will send wrong signals to the student.
  • Act fairly with all the students irrespective of how they behave with you. A mistake from the best student of your class calls for the same punishment, which you would give to the most naughty student for the act.
Remember that classroom management is a skill which has to be practiced throughout your career. These classroom management strategies will also help you to cut down on problems such as indiscipline, and indirectly lessen the distractions in your classroom.

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