Semua pengetahuan yang saya miliki, orang lain pun dapat memilikinya,tapi, hati saya, hanyalah milik saya.~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe~



Download these files below:

  1. To be (is, am, are) part 1
  2. To be (is, am, are) part 2
  3. To be + Adjective
  4. Is, Am, Are (Interrogative sentences)
  5. Is, Am, Are (Interrogative sentences and sontracted)
  6. Is, Am, Are (Negative sentences part 1)
  7. Is, Am, Are (Negative sentences part 2)
  8. Days of the week
  9. Oral of singular and plural
  10. A or An part 1  
  11. A or An Part 2
  12. Possessive 1
  13. Possessive 2
  14. Pronouns 1
  15. Pronouns 2
  16. Pronouns 3
  17. Pronoun + be 
  18. Countable and Uncountable 1
  19. Countable and Uncountable 2
  20. Countable and Uncountable 3
  21. Countable and Uncountable 4
  22. Countable and Uncountable 5
  23. Add (s or es) 
  24. Daily activities
  25. My daily activities
  26. Modal 1 ability
  27. Modal 2 advice
  28. Modal 3 necessity
  29. Modal 4 request
  30. Modal 5 possibility
  31. Modal 6 strong probability
  32. Modal 7 all modal verbs
  33. Modal 8 all modal verbs
  34. Elementary Negative and Questions 1
  35. Elementary Negative and Questions 2
  36. Error verb phrase
  37. Move to other Tenses 
  38. Error in Tenses
  39. Simple Present or Present Progressive
  40. Present Perfect Tenses vs Simple Past Tenses 1
  41. Present Perfect Tenses vs Simple Past Tenses 2
  42. “be going to” or “ will”
  43. Question tag 1
  44. Question tag 2
  45. Question tag 3
  46. Causative verb 1
  47. Causative verb 2
  48. Degree of Comparison 1
  49. Degree of Comparison 2
  50. Degree of Comparison 3
  51. Elliptical contraction 1
  52. Elliptical contraction 2
  53. Passive voice 1
  54. Passive voice 2
  55. Passive voice 3
  56. Passive voice 4
  57. Subjunctive
  58. Conditional Sentence 1
  59. Conditional Sentence 2
  60. Conditional Sentence 3
  61. Conditional Sentence 4
  62. Conditional Sentence 5
  63. Noun clause
  64. Direct Inderect 1
  65. Direct Inderect 2
  66. Adjective Clause 1
  67. Adjective Clause 2
  68. Adjective Clause 3
  69. Adjective Clause 4 
  70. TOEFL Practice 1 Listening 
  71. TOEFL Practice 1 Structure and Written Expression 
  72. TOEFL Practice 1 Reading Comprehension  

Download Soal Latihan UAS SD

  1. Latihan UAS SD part 1
  2. Latihan UAS SD part 2
  3. Latihan UAS SD part 3
  4. Latihan UAS SD part 4
  5. Latihan UAS SD part 5

Download Soal Latihan UN SMP:

 Download Soal Latihan UN SMA:


  1. SD kelas 4 part 1
  2. SD kelas 4 part 2
  3. SD kelas 4 part 3
  4. SD kelas 4 part 4
  5. SD kelas 4 part 5

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