Download these files below:
- To be (is, am, are) part 1
- To be (is, am, are) part 2
- To be + Adjective
- Is, Am, Are (Interrogative sentences)
- Is, Am, Are (Interrogative sentences and sontracted)
- Is, Am, Are (Negative sentences part 1)
- Is, Am, Are (Negative sentences part 2)
- Days of the week
- Oral of singular and plural
- A or An part 1
- A or An Part 2
- Possessive 1
- Possessive 2
- Pronouns 1
- Pronouns 2
- Pronouns 3
- Pronoun + be
- Countable and Uncountable 1
- Countable and Uncountable 2
- Countable and Uncountable 3
- Countable and Uncountable 4
- Countable and Uncountable 5
- Add (s or es)
- Daily activities
- My daily activities
- Modal 1 ability
- Modal 2 advice
- Modal 3 necessity
- Modal 4 request
- Modal 5 possibility
- Modal 6 strong probability
- Modal 7 all modal verbs
- Modal 8 all modal verbs
- Elementary Negative and Questions 1
- Elementary Negative and Questions 2
- Error verb phrase
- Move to other Tenses
- Error in Tenses
- Simple Present or Present Progressive
- Present Perfect Tenses vs Simple Past Tenses 1
- Present Perfect Tenses vs Simple Past Tenses 2
- “be going to” or “ will”
- Question tag 1
- Question tag 2
- Question tag 3
- Causative verb 1
- Causative verb 2
- Degree of Comparison 1
- Degree of Comparison 2
- Degree of Comparison 3
- Elliptical contraction 1
- Elliptical contraction 2
- Passive voice 1
- Passive voice 2
- Passive voice 3
- Passive voice 4
- Subjunctive
- Conditional Sentence 1
- Conditional Sentence 2
- Conditional Sentence 3
- Conditional Sentence 4
- Conditional Sentence 5
- Noun clause
- Direct Inderect 1
- Direct Inderect 2
- Adjective Clause 1
- Adjective Clause 2
- Adjective Clause 3
- Adjective Clause 4
- TOEFL Practice 1 Listening
- TOEFL Practice 1 Structure and Written Expression
- TOEFL Practice 1 Reading Comprehension
Download Soal Latihan UAS SD
- Latihan UAS SD part 1
- Latihan UAS SD part 2
- Latihan UAS SD part 3
- Latihan UAS SD part 4
- Latihan UAS SD part 5
Download Soal Latihan UN SMP:
Download Soal Latihan UN SMA:
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